Update from Security Innovation and Demonstration Centre
The Partnership is supporting the development of the Home Office Security Innovation and Demonstration Centre (SIDC) which brings together government, industry and academia to explore security and policing challenges and enable the rapid development of capabilities. The latest newsletter from the SIDC is now available to read.
The newsletter has been designed to ensure that those working in the security sector are informed of the latest news and opportunities for working with the SIDC. The September newsletter contains:
- A roundup of current events and opportunities, including secondment opportunities.
- Details of the Security Innovation and Technology Consortium (SITC) work on an immersive demonstrator of the Future Border at the Transport Security Expo on December 2015.
- Work on using existing technology in innovative ways to make the custody process faster and improve safety.
Read the full September 2015 newsletter.
To find out more about the SIDC visit the website or email sidc@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk.