
National Cyber Security Centre

We are happy to announce the launch of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) which took place on 1 October 2016.

The NCSC will be based in London and has four key objectives:

(1) To understand the cyber security environment, share knowledge, and use that expertise to identify and address systemic vulnerabilities,

(2) to reduce risks to the UK by working with public and private sector organisations to improve their cyber security,

(3) to respond to cyber security incidents to reduce the harm they cause to the UK and

(4) to nurture and grow our national cyber security capability, and provide leadership on critical national cyber security issues.

“It will bring the UK’s cyber expertise together to transform how the UK tackles cyber security issues.” (Cabinet Office, Gov UK)

For more detailed information on these objectives and how the NCSC works, please read this briefing note, generated by TechUK.