Melissa Dearey – University of Hull

Name: Melissa Dearey

Organisation: University of Hull

Disciplinary Area: Criminology

Research Area: Dance and choreographies of conflict

Role: Research Provider


Which call are you planning to apply for?

Interdisciplinary Innovation Award

What are your research interests?

My interests are in the role of dance and the moving body in subcultural groups – whether deviant, normal or criminal. Physical interaction and the kinaesthetic of movement in these areas and how they contribute to meaning making and the negotiation of emotions are my central concerns.

What is your offer?

I offer expertise in the study of crime, deviance and social control, as well as in the scholarly subjects of dance, gender and sexualities, and popular culture. I have also researched radicalisation and imprisonment.

Who would you like to collaborate with?

I would like to collaborate with anyone who has an interest in how physical bodies move together through space, and how embodied practices, emotions and gender/sexual relations influence the choreographies of conflict – from policing to perpetrator perspectives.