Reflection: Buddhist Violence Against Muslims
Thu 24, Nov 2016This Blog post unveils how our preconceptions, both of Buddhists and Muslims, are inverted in several Buddhist countries.Many inter-religious tensions have flashed into life in Myanmar and Sri Lanka; It is not just a populist anti-Muslim sentiment, but mob violence perpetrated on Muslim minorities by a Buddhist majority in Myanmar, which has not only been supported by Buddhist monks but even instigated by them.
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Sounds Secure: The effects of sound in conflict
Fri 30, Sep 2016This research brings the role of sound centre stage in a variety of forms, and seeks to understand how it generates dynamics of resistance, resilience, revitalisation and reconciliation across distinct protracted conflict and post-conflict settings.
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PaCCS’s “Brilliant Club” Day
Wed 28, Sep 2016There have been many fulfilling moments in my time as PaCCS’s External Champion, but there was something very special about our recent 6th Form Workshop on “Religion and Conflict”. With the help of PaCCS Leadership Fellows and other luminaries, this event has contributed to changing the lives of over 50 schoolchildren for the better.
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Talking Politics Online: Why Not Everything Should Be Connected
Thu 22, Sep 2016The question of how people talk about politics online is important. Nowadays, many people read and discuss the news online and they increasingly do so through social media platforms. A lot of attention has been paid to fears that this will create ‘filter bubbles’. But beyond just exposure to information, we also need to consider how, where and with whom, people discuss it.
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Local Communities Experiences of Displacement from Syria: Views from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey
Tue 13, Sep 2016Our PaCCS project aims to improve our understanding of the challenges and opportunities that arise in local responses to displacement, both for refugees from Syria and for the members of the communities that are hosting them in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.
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Mind the Gap: Understanding Cyber Security Risks as Business Risks
Fri 12, Aug 2016Cyber security is now a pervasive requirement, one that we cannot and must not ignore.
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Power Cuts and Development: Following the Wires in Post-war Beirut
Tue 26, Jul 2016'Following the Wires' combines perspectives from filmmaking, sociology and anthropology to articulate the impacts of electricity disruption on everyday life in post-conflict Lebanon.
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The Value of Culture in Conflict – Investigating the Sustainable Livelihood Generation for Craftswomen in Azad Kashmir (Pakistan)
Tue 19, Jul 2016Most research emerging from the region focuses on the politics of the region but does not address or comment on the current socio-economic and cultural status of Kashmir. It is this division of subjects and disciplines that this project hopes to overcome.
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Staying safe online: the potential contribution of the Arts and Humanities to enhance the public’s awareness of cybercrime and cybersecurity
It may well be time to go further and use the creativity and power of communication of the Arts and Humanities to build a future where being safe online is standard practice and easily accessible to the public.
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Can the Public Conversation on the Refugee Crisis be Changed?
Thu 16, Jun 2016As researchers and activists, we are interested in exploring the potentials and limitations of crucial humanitarian shifts to develop into larger-scale transformations in public attitudes and policies towards displaced people.
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