John Jupp – University of Sussex

Name: John Jupp

Organisation: University of Sussex

Disciplinary Area: Law

Research Area: Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism

Role: Research Provider


Which call are you planning to apply for?
Transnational Organised Crime 2018

What are your research interests?
My research interests lie in the links between transnational organised crime and terrorism. I am currently working on a funded project exploring typologies of organised criminal activity and their links to terrorism. I am interested in developing empirical evidence on the nature of links between TNOC and terrorism, examining factors which enable to these links to occur and exploring the manner in which TNOC is evolving relative to these linkages.

What is your offer?
Research expertise on linkages between transnational organised crime and terrorism.

Who would you like to collaborate with?
I would be interested in collaborating with other academics, organisations and research partners interested in exploring how TNOC is evolving, particularly in the context of linkages between transnational organized crime and terrorism.