
PaCCS Placement with The Centre for Maritime Law & Security Africa (CEMLAWS)

UKRI’s Partnership for Conflict, Crime & Security Research (PaCCS) is seeking a researcher to undertake a paid placement, spending up to three months working with the Centre for Maritime Law and Security Africa (CEMLAWS), to scope out the extent, nature and impact of e-waste smuggling on the UK-Ghana route. The preferred option is for the placement researcher to spend a significant amount of time at CEMLAWS in Accra. If, however, the current coronavirus pandemic makes this impossible, we have agreed a fallback arrangement with CEMLAWS where research can be conducted from the UK.

This placement is part of the PaCCS programme Transnational Organised Crime (TNOC): Deepening & Broadening Our Understanding. The successful candidate will report to Dr Tristram Riley-Smith (PaCCS Research Integrator and Associate Fellow at Cambridge University’s Centre for Science & Policy). There is also the opportunity to work with the Safe Seas Network ( with academic guidance from Professor Tim Edmunds (University of Bristol).

The successful candidate will have strong academic grounding in either Arts, Humanities, Social or Behavioural Science and be continuing to conduct research in at least one of these areas. The candidate will have strong analytical skills, strong oral and written communication skills. The post is best-suited to those studying towards a PhD where the PaCCS funding (in the form of a Student Maintenance Grant) would allow – with the support of UKRI and the necessary approval of the researcher’s university – three months to be “taken out” to work on this placement. Those who are engaged in post-doctoral research are also eligible to apply. The candidate should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the link between research, policy, and operations. 

The successful candidate will be compensated with a student maintenance grant of £3,875.85 which is provided to cover 3 months. A budget is available to cover claims for eligible travel, accommodation, and other costs (e.g. visa and insurance) incurred during the placement up to a limit of £3,900.

Please apply by 30 January 2021, citing reference: PaCCS West African Placement (2021).

You can learn more about the opportunity, including how to apply, here.