ECPR Standing Group on Organised Crime
By Anna Sergi
Organised crime manifests itself in many forms and stretches across continents. It has a disruptive effect on the functioning of democratic institutions, distorts the free market economy and compromises the very fabric of the civil society at large.
The nature of organised crime implies that research should be multidisciplinary, although it rarely is. The challenges of organised crime must be met with sustainable and mutual learning between academics and practitioners.
The Standing Group on Organised Crime (SGOC) is part of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). It seeks to promote debates on the general theme of organised crime and its manifestations, particularly its relations with the international system, governance, society, and the economy. It also aims to initiate new research agendas informed by the interests of its members.
The SGOC offers a number of platforms to share research findings and stimulate debate. These are first and foremost The European Review of Organised Crime, which is a peer-reviewed open access journal launched in 2014. This is supported by a tri-annual newsletter; a blog; website; and diverse social media channels.
The SGOC brings together junior and senior experts by organising thematic summer schools and sections at ECPR General Conferences. In December 2015, the SGOC will be hosting its own first general conference in Naples.
The SGOC is always open to new contributions and welcomes new members. To become a member, you just need to subscribe to the mailing list. Contributions can be made for the newsletter, in the form of 1000-1500 words contributions such as debate pieces, reports on research and opinion articles, as well as for The European Review of Organised Crime, in the form of scholarly articles.
Visit the SGOC website for further information.
Dr Anna Sergi is a Lecturer in Policing and Crime Sciences at the University of West London. She is the Newsletter Editor for the SGOC.